Affiliate Disclosure

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At Speckyboy Design Magazine, we believe in transparency when it comes to our content and any potential compensation that may be involved. While we are not directly paid to feature resources, items, or products in our content, we do participate in affiliate programs through Envato Elements and Adobe Stock.

What does this mean for our readers? It means we may earn a small commission from any clicked affiliate URL contained within our content. However, we want to assure you that we only promote products and services that we genuinely believe in and would recommend to our readers.

To make things clear, each affiliate link or item will be labeled as either ‘Envato Elements’ or ‘Adobe Stock’ so that you know the destination of the URL you’re clicking.

We regularly review and assess the quality of each link to ensure that they are up-to-date, relevant, and valuable to our readers.

If we discover a broken link or any changes in the product or service descriptions, we take immediate action to remove or update it. We want our readers to have access to the most accurate and reliable information possible, and we are committed to delivering on that promise.

We’re committed to delivering valuable and trustworthy content to our readers, and transparency is critical to that commitment. If you have any concerns about our affiliate programs, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at [email protected].