Speckyboy Author

Ian B. Murphy (2 Articles)

Ian is a writer, gamer, sports enthusiast, classicist, geek and loudmouth. He somehow combines those things into usefulness as the content wonk for Future Insights. You can follow him @IanOfTheFuture.
Do Yourself and Everyone Else a Favor: Make Code Maintainable

Do Yourself and Everyone Else a Favor: Make Code Maintainable

Front end development is hard. You have to make something look great and also actually work well. Standards are constantly updated, browsers adopt those updates at different rates, and there…

Responsive Design is Still the Future of Web Design

Responsive Design is Still the Future of Web Design

Responsive web design has been an emergent practice for web designers since Ethan Marcotte’s 2011 book introducing the concept in detail. But two and a half years later, adoption of…