Adobe Edge Web Fonts – A Free Service Powered by Typekit


If you love free web fonts (seriously, who doesn’t?), Adobe has come up with a special treat for you — Edge Web Fonts, an altogether new, Typekit served, free web fonts service.

Is there a catch? Nope. You do not need an account, nor do you need to configure a font kit, making it much easier and faster. As a result, Edge Web Fonts is like a lighter sibling of Typekit.

Adobe Edge Web Font screenshot

To quote Adobe, they have partnered with Google Web Fonts “to identify which fonts will benefit the most from our attention, and how we can best approach improving their rendering and performance.” Fonts from the Google Web Fonts library will now be available in the Edge Web Fonts library as well, and many fonts will be optimized to make them better (Adobe does know a thing or two about font optimization, by the way).

In other words, more open source font awesomeness for you and me! Adobe has already released two open-source fonts recently, namely, Source Sans Pro, and Source Code Pro. Check out the extensive list of 500 font families (!) here.

Installing Edge fonts couldn’t be easier.

First of all select the font you want to use, then add the generated JavaScript tag to the <head> of your web-page…

<script src=""></script>

…then reference a font-family in your stylesheet…

h1 {
  font-family: chunk, serif;

…and that is it!

(You can check out the documentation for further usage.)

Can’t wait to get your hands on these amazing fonts? Check them out here: Edge Web Fonts.

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