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JavaScript is a relatively lightweight programming language for adding interactive functionality to web pages.

Here you will find vast collections of resources, including libraries, frameworks, plugins, snippets, and web-based tools, covering almost all areas of JavaScript development.

You might also like to browse our extensive CSS colelctions.

8 CSS & JavaScript Snippets for Creating Interactive Timelines

8 CSS & JavaScript Snippets for Creating Interactive Timelines

These CSS & JavaScript snippets demonstrate that timelines can be incredibly versatile. From minimally formatted layout to a fully animated experience.

8 CSS & JavaScript Snippets for Social Media Icons & Buttons

8 CSS & JavaScript Snippets for Social Media Icons & Buttons

Customize your website with unique social media icons using CSS and JavaScript. Stand out with personalized icons that match your brand.

8 CSS & JavaScript Snippets for Wild & Crazy Backgrounds

8 CSS & JavaScript Snippets for Wild & Crazy Backgrounds

We take a look at an area that will grab your attention: wild and crazy background patterns built with CSS and JavaScript. No subtlety here.

50 Cheatsheets & Guides for JavaScript

50 Cheatsheets & Guides for JavaScript

JavaScript is at the forefront of powering the web. To help you sort through it all, we have compiled this collection of cheatsheets and reference guides.

8 CSS & JavaScript Snippets for Unique Cursor Effects

8 CSS & JavaScript Snippets for Unique Cursor Effects

A collection of eight CSS & JavaScript copy & paste code snippets for creating unique and highly creative cursor effects.

8 CSS & JavaScript Snippets for Reflection & Refraction Effects

8 CSS & JavaScript Snippets for Reflection & Refraction Effects

The simple act of light reflecting off of or refracting through a surface can produce stunning visuals. We see it every day in the physical world. It might be the…

8 CSS & JavaScript Snippets for Creating Realistic Liquid Effects

8 CSS & JavaScript Snippets for Creating Realistic Liquid Effects

A collection of liquid effects CSS & JavaScript snippets that are incredibly realistic, while others are reminiscent of a sci-fi fantasy.

8 CSS & JavaScript Snippets for Creative Audio & Video Players

8 CSS & JavaScript Snippets for Creative Audio & Video Players

A collection of CSS & JavaScript code snippets for creating incredible HTML5 audio and video players. Feel free to experiment with the source code.

30 Simple Responsive Navigation Solutions & Tutorials

30 Simple Responsive Navigation Solutions & Tutorials

JavaScript plugins and CSS solutions to help you find the responsive navigation solution that best suits the website you’re currently working on.

10 CSS & JavaScript Snippets for Creating eCommerce UIs

10 CSS & JavaScript Snippets for Creating eCommerce UIs

There are many free JavaScript and CSS shopping carts available that you can restyle for any type of store. These are some of our favorites.

8 CSS & JavaScript for Creating Animated Backgrounds

8 CSS & JavaScript for Creating Animated Backgrounds