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CSS Typography

Learn how to apply font styles, spacing, and alignment to ensure your text is both readable and visually appealing. Improve your website’s CSS typography!

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10 Popular Web Typography Frameworks & Libraries

10 Popular Web Typography Frameworks & Libraries

There was a time when web typography was simply a matter of putting a few fonts together. Modern web design has now evolved to the point where we expect the…

10 Examples of Using Over-Sized Titles in Web Design for Inspiration

10 Examples of Using Over-Sized Titles in Web Design for Inspiration

A collection of beautifully designed websites that demonstrate how designers can successfully utilize large typography to convey a message.

10 Code Snippets for Creating Stunning Text Masking Effects

10 Code Snippets for Creating Stunning Text Masking Effects

We have ten simple CSS (and some JavaScript) code snippets for creating stunning and time-proven examples of text masking in web design.

Set Your Text in Motion with These Dazzling Effects

Set Your Text in Motion with These Dazzling Effects

The trend of setting text in motion rules these days. You can’t help but follow the madness and develop an obsession of injecting life into your typography.

The Principles of Typography: Back to Basics

The Principles of Typography: Back to Basics

Content is king, but typography is the crown and design is the throne. Typography and design both help content maximize its potential and withstand the test of time. Typography enhances…

30 Examples of Large Typography in Web Design

30 Examples of Large Typography in Web Design

Functional typography in web design is, of course, key to usability. But functional does not have to mean boring. Big, loud and attention grabbing typography does have the presence and…

The Classification of Fonts

The Classification of Fonts

The classification of fonts is still unclear, even with the various classes and categories that have been created by some of great type lovers of the years. Some may consider…

Current Web Typography Trends

Current Web Typography Trends