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Freelance Workflow

Streamline your design process with expert advice on improving workflow. Discover tools and techniques that save time without sacrificing quality.

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Automating Laravel Tests with Buddy Sponsored

Automating Laravel Tests with Buddy

If you’re building web applications, it’s quite likely that you’ve heard of Laravel. It’s a popular PHP framework that streamlines the development process and includes its own, developer-friendly syntax. In…

Useful Tools To Boost Your SVG Workflow

Useful Tools To Boost Your SVG Workflow

SVG, or “scalable vector graphics”, is an XML markup language used to describe 2D graphics. It’s a W3C recommendation, and is designed to work with other W3C standards like CSS…

When is it Time to Change Your Workflow?

When is it Time to Change Your Workflow?

One of the curious questions a web designer faces is when to make a change to the tools you use and the way you work. How do you know when…

The Five Questions You Absolutely Must Ask Before Starting Your Next Project

The Five Questions You Absolutely Must Ask Before Starting Your Next Project

No one likes to ask difficult questions. When put in a situation of potential conflict or social awkwardness, we tend to shy away and opt for a more comfortable scenario….

Technostress – The Freelancers Disease?

Technostress – The Freelancers Disease?