Cookie Consent – an Open Source Solution to EU Cookie Law


Few weeks ago, we covered the European Union’s Cookie Law, and its implications on websites based in Europe. Thereafter, we have also covered the reactions to the said law. In fact, as a UK-based site, Speckyboy itself firmly stands in support of such protests against the Cookie Law.

Speaking of protests, Silktide, one of the most prominent critics of the Cookie Law and the brains behind concepts such as No Cookie Law and the popular YouTube video The Cookie Law in Under Three Minutes, has come up with a free open-source solution to the EU Cookie Law, named Cookie Consent.

Cookie Consent Homepage

In simplest terms, Cookie Consent is a Javascript plugin created specifically for websites that are required to comply with the Cookie Law. Once installed on your website, the plugin will show your users a drop down message, asking them whether or not they’d like to allow cookies or not. Neat, eh?

Cookie Consent Privacy Settings

Apart from setting preferences for your own website, users can also set Global Preferences, which means they can enable or disable plugins for all websites in one go! As the webmaster, you can specify whether the drop down occurs from the top or the bottom of your site, and you can use custom CSS to customise its look and feel. And just in case that doesn’t make you happy, Cookie Consent is licensed under GNU GPL, so you can redistribute and modify it, if so needed.

Useful URLs

Cookie Consent Homepage →
Cookie Consent Documentation →

Over to you: what do you think of Cookie Consent and the underlying logic? Will you be using it on your website? Do share your thoughts with us in the comments.

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