The Google Maps Santa Tracker


The whereabouts of good ol’ SantaClaus are always a matter of mystery and suspense, especially when it comes to Christmas time. After all, Saint Nick does not check in much on social networks. Well, all of this is about to change, courtesy of the Google Santa Tracker.

Since 2004, Google had the privilege of tracking Santa’s path as a collaborative effort along side NORAD. However, the collaboration ended when NORAD announced that starting this year, it would be partnering with Microsoft’s Bing for its Santa tracker program.

Santa Tracker Homepage

Yet, Google, definitely not wanting to feel left out, has announced its own Santa Tracker which, according to Google, comes with a newly updated algorithm. By employing Google Maps and Google Earth, users will be able to track the route of Santa’s sleigh, its stops, presents dropped at a particular location, and next destination. Oh, and there are also a whole bunch of addictive games to enjoy.

Beyond that, Google has also launched Tracker apps for Android and Google Earth, and a browser extension for Chrome.

There is still some time left before Santa departs on his annual journey, so make sure you hop on and keep yourself (and, of course, your kids) informed about it. Oh, and speaking of that, just in case Google’s model doesn’t please you, check out NORAD and Bing’s Santa Tracker here.

Merry Christmas!

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