Category Archives

UI Design

The role of a UI designer is to create the aesthetic appearance of everything that the end-user interacts with (the UI or user interface), from designing the pages of a website to the screens of a mobile application.

Here you will find web and mobile UI kits, wireframe templates and apps, responsive web design packages, free icons, mockup templates, printable sketch sheets, UI tutorials, free fonts, and much more. Essentially, all the tools and resources to help you get started on your next web or mobile project quicker and easier.

The Essential Elements of Creative Resume Design

The Essential Elements of Creative Resume Design

Learn how to use typography, color, layout, and more to create a visually striking and effective resume that will help you stand out.

8 React JavaScript Snippets That Enhance Everyday UI Elements

8 React JavaScript Snippets That Enhance Everyday UI Elements

A collection of excellent snippets that demonstrate the impact React JavaScript library can have on a user interface.

8 CSS & JavaScript Snippets for Creating Notification UIs

8 CSS & JavaScript Snippets for Creating Notification UIs

A collection of CSS and JavaScript code snippets for creating unique notification and alert systems and UIs.

8 CSS & JavaScript Snippets for Creating Photo Galleries

8 CSS & JavaScript Snippets for Creating Photo Galleries

Using the latest CSS and JavaScript techniques, we have a collection of snippets for creating highly creative photo galleries.

8 CSS Code Snippets for Creating Stunning Border Effects

8 CSS Code Snippets for Creating Stunning Border Effects

We share a collection of pure CSS border effects that prove that web designers should no longer have to settle for a basic design.

8 CSS & JavaScript Snippets for Background Noise Effects

8 CSS & JavaScript Snippets for Background Noise Effects

Items such as text, images, and backgrounds can all be beautifully enhanced with these CSS & JavaScript noise effect code snippets.

8 CSS & JavaScript Snippets for Unique Cursor Effects

8 CSS & JavaScript Snippets for Unique Cursor Effects

A collection of eight CSS & JavaScript copy & paste code snippets for creating unique and highly creative cursor effects.

8 CSS & JavaScript Snippets That Celebrate Synthwave

8 CSS & JavaScript Snippets That Celebrate Synthwave

Put on your cool shades, pop up your shirt collar, and explore these super-rad CSS and JavaScript Synthwave code snippets.

8 CSS & JavaScript Snippets for Creating Blog Layouts

8 CSS & JavaScript Snippets for Creating Blog Layouts

A collection of stunning CSS and JavaScript code snippets for creating modern blog homepages and single posts layouts.

8 CSS & JavaScript Snippets for Creating Hamburger Menus

8 CSS & JavaScript Snippets for Creating Hamburger Menus

We share a collection of CSS and JavaScript snippets that will allow you to enhance and expand the capabilities of your hamburger menus.

8 CSS & JavaScript Snippets for Custom Text Paths

8 CSS & JavaScript Snippets for Custom Text Paths

From wavy and circular paths to complex shapes and patterns, we share CSS and JavaScript snippets for creating custom text paths.

10+ High-Quality Free CSS Button Libraries & Frameworks

10+ High-Quality Free CSS Button Libraries & Frameworks