Quotes are among the most versatile web design elements. They can practically leap off the page. And you can also use them to create separation within long text passages.
As for styling, there’s a whole world of possibilities. We can use the power of CSS and JavaScript to build quote UIs to fit our desired aesthetic. Everything from subtle typographic layouts to interactive presentations is possible.
With that in mind, here are eight compelling ways to present quotes on your website. There is a style here to fit just about every need.
Quote Particle Animation
If you want quotes to take center stage, this snippet is a prime example of how to do it. The slick particle animation background looks stunning. But it doesn’t distract from the text overlay. It’s also a slideshow, as clicking on the presentation loads a new quote.
See the Pen Quotes animation made by particles by isladjan
Water Effect Quote Animation
You might say that the water effects in this quote are pretty immersive. Bad puns aside, the animation does a great job of adding context. Readability may be a concern, however. That could be cleared up with a few code tweaks.
See the Pen Become the Cup by Shane Burns
Quote Sliding Cards
Here’s a stylish way to fit multiple quotes into a small area. This quote card allows you to click through entries one at a time. It’s perfect for those who want a compact and understated look.
See the Pen Quote cards by Sabine Robart
Variable Font Quote
This snippet uses a variable font to create a smooth transition between character styles. The GSAP-powered animation targets each word, encouraging users to read along. It’s a simple formula that creates a bold look.
See the Pen Bricks by Cassie Evans
Flexible, Full-Width, and “Justified” Text Blocks
The use of justified text brings a clean, blocky aesthetic to quotes. Here, the effect is combined with varying text sizes to make for a more interesting presentation. It also scales beautifully to fit smaller screens.
See the Pen Flexible, Full-Width, Justified Text Blocks by Reuben L. Lillie
Scrolling Quote UI
This scrolling quote UI is the total package. The typography is attractive and easy to read. Its use of color creates noticeable contrast. And the blurred scroll effects add dramatic flair. What else could you want?
See the Pen Design brings challenges into focus #Codevember by Andrew Sims
Simple & Pretty Blockquotes
It’s hard to go wrong with simplicity. This snippet happens to lack fancy effects. But it more than makes up for it with detail-oriented spacing and typography. The result is a timeless look that could fit with any design.
See the Pen Simple, Pretty Blockquote by Mark Sottek
Random Quote Machine
Within this snippet’s well-worn cover are pages of quotes. The book-inspired design allows you to elegantly navigate between pages. The included social sharing buttons are a nice touch that can be changed to suit.
See the Pen Random Quote Machine by Skybird Trill
Ways To Make Your Website Quotable
Web designers no longer have to settle for boring quote presentations. The examples above demonstrate a wide range of use cases. And experimentation with layouts and special effects only adds to the possibilities.
No matter the look and functionality, you can use CSS and JavaScript to make it happen. What’s more, quotes can also be the star of the show. Advanced techniques turn them into a centerpiece, rather than a bit player.
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