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CSS Snippets

From animation to responsive design, find the perfect CSS code snippet for your web design project and streamline your development process.

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8 CSS Snippets for Creating Bento Grid Layouts

8 CSS Snippets for Creating Bento Grid Layouts

Dive into CSS bento grid layouts. A collection of CSS flexbox and grid code snippets, and examples for enhancing your web development skills.

8 CSS Snippets for Creating Split-Screen Layouts

8 CSS Snippets for Creating Split-Screen Layouts

A fantastic collection of split-screen UIs, complete with CSS source code that you can edit to fit your needs. Each offers something unique.

8 CSS Grid & Flexbox Snippets for Creating Magazine Layouts

8 CSS Grid & Flexbox Snippets for Creating Magazine Layouts

We share a collection of exciting CSS snippets for creating magazine web page layouts using both CSS flexbox and grid.

8 CSS Snippets for Styling HTML Checkboxes & Radio Buttons

8 CSS Snippets for Styling HTML Checkboxes & Radio Buttons

We share eight unique CSS snippets that demonstrate what HTML checkboxes and radio buttons are truly capable of achieving.

8 CSS & JavaScript Snippets for Bokeh Effects

8 CSS & JavaScript Snippets for Bokeh Effects

Enhance your website’s look with these CSS and JavaScript snippets for creating eye-catching bokeh effects. Perfect for adding visual flair.

8 CSS & JavaScript Snippets for Animating Words

8 CSS & JavaScript Snippets for Animating Words

Explore a collection of CSS and JavaScript code snippets for creating eye-catching animated typographic effects.

Fun Examples of SVG Shape Usage in Web Design

Fun Examples of SVG Shape Usage in Web Design

Learn how SVG shapes can enhance web design, offering scalable, responsive, and visually appealing elements for modern websites.

8 Code Snippets for Creating Amazing Patterns with CSS

8 Code Snippets for Creating Amazing Patterns with CSS

Patterns are among the most flexible design assets. They can be the star of the show or fit neatly into the background. As such, they can also range from minimal…

10 Retro Video Games Recreated with HTML, JS & CSS

10 Retro Video Games Recreated with HTML, JS & CSS

A collection of classic video games that have been recreated with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Pac-Man, Super Mario Bros, Sonic, and more.

8 Password Field Forms Built with CSS & JavaScript

8 Password Field Forms Built with CSS & JavaScript

A combination of aesthetically pleasing and functional CSS & JS snippets that range from simple password fields to password generation utilities.

7 Fantastic Examples of Variable Fonts in Action

7 Fantastic Examples of Variable Fonts in Action

Variable fonts are the best thing to happen to typography since web fonts. And we’ve some variable font code snippets that prove just that!

8 CSS Snippets for Creating Stylish Drop Caps

8 CSS Snippets for Creating Stylish Drop Caps