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Speckyboy Author

Addison Duvall (72 Articles)

Addison Duvall is the author of Food Identities, a blog that explores the crossroads of food, design, art, and culture. She’s written some things, designed other things, and eaten a whole lot of food.
Waking Up the Taste Buds of Your Design Clients

Waking Up the Taste Buds of Your Design Clients

One of the hallmarks of a top chef is his or her ability to do interesting takes on food combinations that, at first glance, seem like they wouldn’t go together…

How to Educate Clients About the True Value of Your Services as a Designer

How to Educate Clients About the True Value of Your Services as a Designer

Understand how to communicate the true value of your design services to clients, enhancing appreciation and compensation.

How to Specifically Cater to the Needs of Your Clients

How to Specifically Cater to the Needs of Your Clients

Tips for effectively meeting client needs without compromising your standards or creativity in the design process.

Does A Designer’s Opinion Mean More Than The User’s?

Does A Designer’s Opinion Mean More Than The User’s?

Understanding the gap between designers’ opinions and user needs, and bridging it for better outcomes.

Is It Really Worthwhile Having a Personal Portfolio?

Is It Really Worthwhile Having a Personal Portfolio?

As information is spread so quickly through social media, are potential clients really going to take the time to visit your personal website?

How Novice Designers Can Improve Their Client Rosters

How Novice Designers Can Improve Their Client Rosters

We offer advice on what all you young designers out there can do to get in on the more exciting and high-paying projects in the design industry.

How Teaching Will Help You Become the Best Designer You Can Be

How Teaching Will Help You Become the Best Designer You Can Be

We explore some of the key ways that sharing your knowledge will help you to become the best designer you can possibly be.

Why You Should Include Your Personal Passions in Your Design Work

Why You Should Include Your Personal Passions in Your Design Work

Having interesting side projects in your portfolio can help you make the leap from forgettable, all-purpose designer to industry superstar.

Do We Really Need to Follow Design Trends?

Do We Really Need to Follow Design Trends?

Designers love to complain about superficial design trends that they don’t feel have any staying power or contribute anything meaningful. Are they right?

Sketchbooks – The Designer’s Cookbook

Sketchbooks – The Designer’s Cookbook

As a food lover, I absolutely adore cookbooks. I have a ton of them – all filled with pages and pages of delicious recipes for me to try and experiment…

The Deadly Communication Sins Freelance Designers Commit

The Deadly Communication Sins Freelance Designers Commit

Identify and avoid common communication mistakes freelancers make, fostering better relationships and project outcomes.

How to Work With Both Good & Bad Design Clients

How to Work With Both Good & Bad Design Clients