Speckyboy Author

Jake Rocheleau (119 Articles)

Jake Rocheleau is a passionate web designer and social media entrepreneur. He is frequently researching the latest trends in digital design and new-age Internet ideas. He's also an advocate for the social media revolution - follow his updates on Twitter @jakerocheleau.
10 CSS Snippets for Creating Stunning Animated Underline Text Effects

10 CSS Snippets for Creating Stunning Animated Underline Text Effects

You may not think there’s a lot you can do with standard text underlines, but if you delve into CSS animation you’ll see just how much you really can do!

10 Open-Source Login Page Templates Built With HTML & CSS

10 Open-Source Login Page Templates Built With HTML & CSS

This collection of snippets features ten open-source login page CSS & HTML templates you can use and reformat for any type of web design project.

10 Custom CSS & JavaScript Snippets for Hover & Click Effects

10 Custom CSS & JavaScript Snippets for Hover & Click Effects

If you know a little JavaScript and CSS, you can easily tweak these effects to work in any browser, for any website, and spruce up any layout.

9 Custom Open Source File Upload Field Snippets

9 Custom Open Source File Upload Field Snippets

If you’re looking to customize your upload inputs, this collection of CSS & JS code snippets will help. They prove you can truly create stunning fields.

10 Free CSS & JavaScript Select Box Snippets

10 Free CSS & JavaScript Select Box Snippets

We’ve curated a collection of our favorite JavaScript and CSS select box styles. They’re all easy to setup and even easier to restyle for your own purposes.

10 Code Snippets for Creating Beautiful Forms

10 Code Snippets for Creating Beautiful Forms

This is a collection of beautifully designed HTML form designs with free CSS & JS source code so that you can create your own.

10 Amazing Examples of CSS, SVG & Canvas Masks In Action

10 Amazing Examples of CSS, SVG & Canvas Masks In Action

You can do some amazing things with SVG masks. This technique has been around for years but only recently made its way into mainstream web development. I’ve scoured the web…

12 Landscape Scenes Built Entirely With CSS & SVG

12 Landscape Scenes Built Entirely With CSS & SVG

You can do some pretty amazing things with SVGs, including creating impressive landscapes just like the free to use snippets we share here.

10 Super-Useful Bootstrap 4 Code Snippets

10 Super-Useful Bootstrap 4 Code Snippets

These CSS snippets highlight some of the coolest examples of what Bootstrap 4 can do. If you want explore the updated framework, you’ll love this.

10 YouTube Channels For Learning Basic Frontend Development

10 YouTube Channels For Learning Basic Frontend Development

All channels are free and cover a wide variety of web languages, some even going beyond frontend development topics so you can become a well-rounded coder.

10 Character Designs Created Entirely With HTML & CSS

10 Character Designs Created Entirely With HTML & CSS

This collection of snippets features some of the most amazing character designs that have all been built using just pure HTML & CSS.

10 Stunning Open-Source Examples of Three.js In Action

10 Stunning Open-Source Examples of Three.js In Action