10 Coded Animated Scenes for Halloween Design Inspiration


If you have been hunting around for some Halloween design ideas and inspiration, we have created a collection of animated scenes to help you out.

Some of them may give you the chills, but most will make you chuckle. With this Haloween-themed collection, we promise you plenty of coding tricks and treats!

Little Witch

There are so many tiny elements that it is difficult to take your eyes off this animated Halloween scene. You can see a witch preparing a potion, a cat is enjoying the night sky, a bottle is leaking, and a spider is slowly crawling. Pay attention to the window, since something white and ghoulish is coming. This is a real Halloween coding masterpiece!

See the Pen Little Witch by agathaco on

Trick or Treat

This fantastic Halloween scene has been enriched with some tremendous interactive features. Click on the moon to reveal the spooky creatures that inhabit the castle.

See the Pen Interactive SVG Animation | Trick or treat_ by Issey

Happy Halloween

Created by Kayla Wiest, this HTML and CSS project has everything. There is a laughing pumpkin, graveyard, scalp, witch’s hat, and creepy white fog. All of the key areas have been animated, encouraging viewers to explore more.

See the Pen Happy halloween – Trick or Treat (CSS Image) by Kayla Wiest

Rube Goldberg’s Monster

Or should I say, “It’s alive!”

This Halloween pen has been inspired by Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein. You can see a machine injecting life into one of the most iconic monsters in cinema history. The animation is short yet absorbing. Fantastic work!

See the Pen Rube Goldberg’s Monster by Josh Bader


You can see a semi-realistic 3D scene that features an animated environment. Created using Blender 3D, Karim Maaloul, who is well-known for his outstanding 3D characters, has successfully created an intricate sense of depth. What’s more, it is an interactive scene. Move your cursor and disturb the mysterious forces inside this composition.

See the Pen Halloween by Karim Maaloul

Markus Magnusson’s Halloween Smashdown

What separates this scene from the others is the metamorphosis that lies in its heart. While all of the examples in this collection have animated sections, here you can see a real transformation from human to wolf. Every detail of this animation is worth your attention. The walking pumpkin is hilarious.

See the Pen Markus Magnusson’s Halloween Smashdown by kittons

Creepy SVGs

Nat Cooper has created a fantastic collection of creepy SVGs that mainly focuses on characters from popular culture. You will find Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Eleven from Stranger Things, Teen Wolf, and many more. Truly inspiring work.

See the Pen #31creepySVGs – 05: Witch by Nat Cooper

Last but not least

Halloween is not just about zombies and splattered blood. It can also be humorous and even sweet. Consider the animated examples below, whose creators have skillfully ditched creepiness in favor of something more buoyant and cheerful.

Happy Catoween

Created by Luke Pettway and featuring a pumpkin, moon, and a black cat. Nothing says ‘Happy Halloween’ quite like this pen. Happy Catoween to all!

See the Pen Happy Catoween! by Luke Pettway

Dancing Skeleton

This project by Kiarash Zarinmehr features a small dancing skeleton that’s so adorable you just want to dance along with him. Everything here has been built using only CSS, which makes it all the more impressive.

See the Pen Dancing Skeleton ☠ CSS Only by Kiarash Zarinmehr

Shy Ghost

We are going to end our collection with Anthony Simone’s “Shy Ghost” project. The tiny waving ghost is adorable and proves that Halloween does have a kind nature and gentle heart.

See the Pen Shy Ghost by Anthony Simone


Halloween is coming. Therefore, it is time to stock up on candy, carve pumpkins, and get dressed up. If you have a website, don’t forget to take care of it as well. Adapt one of the above examples and get your UI into the Halloween spirit. Some of these animated Halloween scenes may be too much for a corporate website; however, Shy Ghost will undoubtedly work on any type of website.

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