50 Beautiful Mobile App Icons for Design Inspiration


In this showcase I have put together 70 full @2x mobile app icons. Each icon was designed and published on Dribbble with a direct link back to the source. I hope these designs may provide some inspiration to other mobile designers around the world.

It is fascinating to watch the mobile marketplace soar with new ideas and creations. And I hope these app icon designs may also be relevant for years to come.

Loose Leaf App

looseleaf ios app icons

Jackal Game

pirates treasure game ios app icon inspiration

Android Market

mobile app icon google android marketplace

Vegetables Tree

vegetables icon app mobile iphone game

Big Speaker

audio bass speaker icon ios app design

Electric Range

cooking range stove ios app icon iphone


mobile app icon spotmote spotify ios

Alta Sartoria

alpha sartoria ios mobile app icon iphone


mobile movie filmoteka ios app icon

Android Tickets

mobile google android smartphone app icon tickets

Wake App

wakeup ios app alart icon mobile

Atari Joystick

ios app joystick icon design iphone

Dream Journal

ld dream journal iphone app icon

TriFit for iOS

heart app icon trifit mobile design inspiration

Android Car Icon

android app car icon design smartphone

Planets Game

mobile game icon app android design inspiration

Flat Notepad

flat notepad yellow app icon design

Vinyl Music

android mobile app icon vinyl music records

Cinnamon Roll App

cinnamon roll ios application icon design

The Island Beach

island beach ios app icon concept design


ios apps mobile icon location placement iphone

Trails App

ios icon foot design trails mobile

Dream Journal Alt

dream journal app ios icon book iphone

Vital Agenda

mobile ios iphone app icon vitals agenda interface


bamboo speakers audio iphone ios app icon

Honk Icon @2x

honk icon app 2x iphone mobile smartphone

Colourful App

colorful app icon idea mobile smartphone iphone

Modern App Concept

satellite design ios app ui designs interface

Mobile Speaker

mobile android smartphone ios speakers interface

Miaochuan Icon

mobile app icon transit asian characters letters

Wooden Bookmark

wooden ios app icon bookmarking pages

iOS Rattle

ios rattle icon mobile iphone mobile

Private Journal

private journal app icon design inspiration


shiny glossy lens camera ios iphone app icon

Chocolate Pastry

simple chocolate pastry ios app icon design

Wooden Window

lights wooden window design ios app icon

Solitaire App

cards game mobile app icon solitaire ios

Messages App

ios app messages green icon mobile

Lapse Time App

camera clapperboard app recording mobile ios icon

Jacket Icon

blue jacket mobile ios app icon

Guitar App

musical guitar strings ios app icon


ios leaf wholeapp icon mobile smartphone

Coca-Cola Machine

cocacola coke soda machine ios app icon

Old Fashioned Hot Dogs

cooking machine hotdogs electric ios icon

Grill App

iphone app icon grill cooking

Whey Gold Standard

whey powder gold standard ios app icon


mobile app icon design water colors painting

Play Button

video interface ios app icon play pause scrubber

Chess App

chess logic game app ios mobile icon design

Bowling App

bowling ball pins mobile ios app icon


thermostat ios app icon design mobile

Pancakes App

breakfast food ios mobile app icon pancakes stack syrup

Digital Printer

mobile ios app icon brother printer paper

USB Flash Drive

ios mobile flash drive usb interface device

Lifelimit App

ios lifelimit app icon design paper pen writing

Dark Laptop Bag

black laptop bag ios app icon iphone smartphone

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