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CSS Snippets

From animation to responsive design, find the perfect CSS code snippet for your web design project and streamline your development process.

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10 CSS Snippets for Creating Responsive Pricing Tables

10 CSS Snippets for Creating Responsive Pricing Tables

A collection of snippets for creating responsive pricing tables. You can further customize the CSS or reuse the code as a template.

CSS Snippets for Creating Responsive HTML Tables

CSS Snippets for Creating Responsive HTML Tables

There are techniques we can use to make HTML tables more mobile-friendly. We explore a few approaches you can take to make data accessible on all screens.

8 CSS & JavaScript Snippets for Creating Weather Widgets

8 CSS & JavaScript Snippets for Creating Weather Widgets

We share some of the best CSS & JavaScript code snippets for creating beautiful weather widgets. They all make weather data easier to digest.

10 CSS & JavaScript Snippets for Advanced Image Hover Effects

10 CSS & JavaScript Snippets for Advanced Image Hover Effects

We show you some truly creative CSS snippets that you can use to integrate image hover effects into the UI of your own websites.

8 CSS & JavaScript Snippets for Creating Audio Visualizations

8 CSS & JavaScript Snippets for Creating Audio Visualizations

A collection of JavaScript and CSS snippets that bring a visual element to sound. Some work with audio files, while others merely facsimile the effect.

8 CSS Snippets That Demonstrate the Power of Shadow Effects

8 CSS Snippets That Demonstrate the Power of Shadow Effects

A collection of useful code snippets that demonstrate the usefulness and what you can fully achieve with CSS shadow effects.

8 CSS & JavaScript Snippets for Creating Testimonial UIs

8 CSS & JavaScript Snippets for Creating Testimonial UIs

Free CSS & JavaScript snippets that show how color, movement, and typography contribute to building a stunning testimonial UI.

10 CSS Snippets for Creating Unique Background Effects

10 CSS Snippets for Creating Unique Background Effects

By combining CSS with a sprinkle of JavaScript, you can create some truly creative background effects, as these code snippets demonstrate.

8 CSS & JavaScript Snippets for Creating Halftone Effects

8 CSS & JavaScript Snippets for Creating Halftone Effects

Discover various CSS and JavaScript snippets for adding halftone patterns to your web designs and making them interactive.

10 CSS & JavaScript Snippets for Creating eCommerce UIs

10 CSS & JavaScript Snippets for Creating eCommerce UIs

There are many free JavaScript and CSS shopping carts available that you can restyle for any type of store. These are some of our favorites.

8 Code Snippets for Creating Animated Paths

8 Code Snippets for Creating Animated Paths

A collection of code snippets for creating animated CSS paths that will allow you to achieve a number of exciting effects.

Playing with Fire: Examples of Creating Flame Effects with Code

Playing with Fire: Examples of Creating Flame Effects with Code