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Speckyboy Author

Addison Duvall (72 Articles)

Addison Duvall is the author of Food Identities, a blog that explores the crossroads of food, design, art, and culture. She’s written some things, designed other things, and eaten a whole lot of food.
How a Designer Might Create Timeless Designs

How a Designer Might Create Timeless Designs

Learn how designers can create timeless designs that remain relevant and appealing over the years.

How to Stop Getting Burned by Your Design Clients

How to Stop Getting Burned by Your Design Clients

Learn strategies to avoid being taken advantage of by clients, ensuring fair treatment and compensation for freelancers.

How to Grow Your Audience as a Designer

How to Grow Your Audience as a Designer

We share the key principles that allow community builders to rise above others in terms of platform building, and how you can learn from the examples they set.

The Idea Generation Process of Scribbling on a Napkin

The Idea Generation Process of Scribbling on a Napkin

We explore the idea generation process familiar to many designers: the scribbled idea on a restaurant napkin process. It’s high-level stuff!

Separating Your Personal & Commercial Design Work

Separating Your Personal & Commercial Design Work

Is there a difference between so-called “commercial” work and work that’s done purely for the joy of creating? Should they be separated?

The Importance of Storytelling in Design

The Importance of Storytelling in Design

Several years ago, I worked as an in-house copywriter and designer for a prominent marketing firm. When I first applied for the job I didn’t have any of the credentials…

How To Network Properly: Networking For Designers 101

How To Network Properly: Networking For Designers 101

We share some much easier and more effective methods for making networking connections as freelance creative designers.

The Secret to Successful Food Packaging Design

The Secret to Successful Food Packaging Design

We take a “field trip” into the design process behind some of the industry’s most successful and effective food packaging designs.

The Personal Process of Choosing the Right Design Tool

The Personal Process of Choosing the Right Design Tool

Tips on how the tools you use as a designer can help improve your creative process and aid you in creating work you can stand behind.

10 Things Designers Can Learn From Pastry Chefs

10 Things Designers Can Learn From Pastry Chefs

Regardless of whether you bake or not, you can take a lot of the same knowledge pastry chefs draw upon every day to improve your design work.

Good Font, Bad Font: How to Pick the Best Font

Good Font, Bad Font: How to Pick the Best Font

We share five key rules for selecting the ideal typeface, and show you how to determine if that font you like may not be so great after all

The Symbiotic Relationship Between Designers and Copywriters

The Symbiotic Relationship Between Designers and Copywriters