Speckyboy Author

Addison Duvall (72 Articles)

Addison Duvall is the author of Food Identities, a blog that explores the crossroads of food, design, art, and culture. She’s written some things, designed other things, and eaten a whole lot of food.
Good Font, Bad Font: How to Pick the Best Font

Good Font, Bad Font: How to Pick the Best Font

We share five key rules for selecting the ideal typeface, and show you how to determine if that font you like may not be so great after all

Is It Worthwhile Having a Personal Portfolio?

Is It Worthwhile Having a Personal Portfolio?

As information is spread so quickly through social media, are potential clients really going to take the time to visit your personal website?

Why You Should Include Your Personal Passions in Your Design Work

Why You Should Include Your Personal Passions in Your Design Work

Including interesting side projects in your portfolio can help you make the leap from forgettable, all-purpose designer to an industry superstar.

How to Work With Both Good & Bad Design Clients

How to Work With Both Good & Bad Design Clients

We offer advice on how to determine which freelance design clients are good and which ones aren’t before you begin to work with them.

As a Designer, Is Failure a Necessary Part of Success?

As a Designer, Is Failure a Necessary Part of Success?

From failure to success: how designers can learn from mistakes to improve their work and approach.

Stop Worrying About People Stealing Your Ideas

Stop Worrying About People Stealing Your Ideas

We explore some important reasons why you should stop worrying about anyone potentially stealing your creative design ideas.

The 10 Golden Rules of Simple, Clean Design

The 10 Golden Rules of Simple, Clean Design

These rules of clean design are based on the ten principles by Dieter Rams but modified to fit with a more general goal of simplicity.

How to Promote Your Freelance Services the Right Way

How to Promote Your Freelance Services the Right Way

Freelance designers, when marketing, can often drive the wrong kind of traffic to their websites, and can even drive the right kind away.

How to Handle Ethical Disagreements With Your Design Clients

How to Handle Ethical Disagreements With Your Design Clients

We share a reliable process freelance designers can use to stop all those unethical requests from clients from getting out of control.

How to Get Those Creative Juices Flowing Again

How to Get Those Creative Juices Flowing Again

We explore some effective ways to get those creative juices flowing so that you can get back in the flow and continue to wow your clients.

Why You Should Simplify Your Designs for the Smartest User

Why You Should Simplify Your Designs for the Smartest User