Enterprise Productivity Apps for Remote Teams


It’s an exciting time to be a designer. With almost unlimited connectivity, designers and firms can work together without needing to inhabit the same space. Many designers and web professionals love the ability to be mobile, and luckily for them, more and more companies, particularly startups, are starting to embrace a remote workforce.

Especially when outside of an office environment, staying on task and completing projects on a deadline can be difficult for even the more pragmatic creative. It’s essential, however, that both companies and workers are able to track progress and communicate effectively on a daily basis. It is also imperative that individuals can work as a team, even if they are hundreds of miles apart.

These needs have led to the emergence of some valuable productivity software and apps, in recent years. One part internal social network and one part project management software, these new apps allow everyone involved in a project to communicate and work together effortlessly, no matter where they are physically located. Whether you are a company owner who is trying to track and promote internal productivity or a worker trying to stay ahead of the game, an enterprise mobile app could ultimately be the answer for you.

Check out our roundup of the top 5 enterprise mobile apps that boost productivity, and unleash your potential.


If you’re looking for a great project management tool, Trello is a great option as it allows for anyone to create “Trello Cards” that can be assigned to different groups or individuals.


Trello also utilizes queues, so you can track a project from concept to completion. It’s easy to use and the design is on point, making for a user-friendly experience. Trello’s mobile app is among the least convoluted we’ve seen, making for a seamless transition from desktop to mobile.


A document signing app, might not be the first thing a designer thinks of in terms of helping productivity, but it is hugely valuable for employees who are working abroad, or freelancing.


SignEasy is a mobile, cloud-friendly software that allows clients, employees and higher-ups to sign off on documents no matter where they’re located. This eliminates the hold-up of receiving things in the mail – or the hassle of trying to find a fax machine anywhere these days.


It’s immediately obvious that their mobile design team put user experience first when creating Syncplicity’s file sharing and management app. It’s easy to manage any files from the touch of your phone or tablet with Syncplicity’s sheet stack interface.


It allows you to easily and securely send and share documents, as well as access them from any device, without missing a beat. When you have a team working on a large project with multiple files that need to be downloaded and uploaded quickly and effortlessly, Syncplicity is an awesome choice.


Sapience is a mindfulness enterprise app that allows for proficient time management, ensuring businesses can maximize efficiency with both on and offsite employees.


The app analyzes your smartphone usages and give you a clear visual on how your day was spent. It allows you to tag your phone calls, app-usage and work-related travel effortlessly. Sapience helps individuals and businesses see where they spend their time the most, so they can schedule and allocate budget appropriately.


From your computer to your smartphone, Evernote allows you to seamlessly work on projects from initial notes to completion, and even presentation. Think of it as a super-hero notepad.


It allows you to save inspiration from around the web, journal, take notes and work on full-length project – all in one platform. It is also a great organizing tool. If you are working on a number of creative projects at one time, Evernote will be one of your go-to apps for keeping everything on track.


Everyone can always use a little bit of productivity push, and the apps above actually make it easier to go the extra mile. Give them a shot and let us know what you think!

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