10 Dramatic Examples of Splash Screens in Web Design


Want to make a dramatic entrance? Want to warm up visitors before astounding them with your staggering animations, experiments with high-end libraries or just ingenious design? Then you should probably set your eyes on a splash screen.

Having come from the world of desktop software, it has managed to successfully take root in web design. It is brisk, quick, lightweight, relatively simple and powerful. We always talk about how the first few seconds can make a world of difference. Everything should be perfect from the beginning. And splash screens are one of those components of the web application that are directly linked to the success of this mission.

The majority out there think that the hero area stands behind the creation of this precious first impression. However, there are those scrupulous and diligent code artists who adore dotting the i’s and crossing the t’s, believing that every second counts. Well, that’s the way it is.

The earlier you start to butter up your online audience, the better first impression you will make. That’s why we are witnessing various original solutions in this arena. Actually and factually they open the conversation between the website and audience. And if you think that a loader does not have a capacity to show off your creativity, then splash screens certainly have some potential.

Making Use of the Full Screen

With a splash animation, the whole screen is at your service, not just a small element. They are like movie opening credit sequences that promise the audience something incredible, thereby igniting interest.

SmokeT by Tedd Arcuri

Three.js is not a good companion for creating quick and lightweight intros, yet in case of Tedd Arcuri it certainly does the trick. Here the skillfully reproduced highly-realistic smoke effect is used to enhance the appearance of the letter “T.” The latter is purely symbolic here since it can be easily changed into a logotype, mascot or a title.


Splash page by Timothy Giblin

The majority of splash screens go hand-in-hand with brand identity. For example, Splash page by Timothy Giblin. It is a 100% classic splash screen that features brand identity enriched with the creative thinking of an artist. The author shows us how to adhere to the golden mean. His concept is original and at the same time modest. It uncovers just a logotype, yet this uncovering catches an eye.

Splash Screen Animation by Hitesh Sahu

This example is less impressive than the solution by Timothy Giblin, yet it is more practical and can be seen everywhere these days. In essence, it is just lazy loading taken to the next level. It reveals the elements of the homepage one by one playfully and creatively, making things much more interesting.

There are some more exciting code snippets. Let’s explore the collection together and find the best match for your next project.

Classic Solutions

Looking to use a more tried-and-true approach to your splash screen? The examples below will help you get there.

Splash Screen by Adam Blum

A traditional sliding effect stands behind the beauty of Adam Blum’s solution. It includes a clean, pure background and several key phrases that appear one after another. It takes advantage of the power of anticipation: The primitive, yet viable way to drum up a user’s interest.

Play On by Nirajan

To make the previous solution a bit more interesting, you can add manipulations with a background like Niranjan did in this pen. His project Play On features lovely sliding transitions between the semi-transparent overlay screens applied to the image backdrop. Nice and amusing.

My Splash by Williams

My Splash by Williams is another representative example of a classic splash screen. The concept has two stages. At first, the animation reveals the signature of the author at a moderate and comfortable pace. Afterward, a black screen appears. This is an elegant, sleek and businesslike solution that fits numerous projects.

Animated Splash Screen by Dmytro Lvivsky

Animated Splash Screen by Dmytro Lvivsky is a perfect starting point for creating your own solution. The JavaScript-powered animation has several screens and a traditional transition between each one. The latter is based on an effect where a circle leads the play.

See the Pen Animated Splash Screen by Dmytro Lvivsky (@UnforbiddenYet) on CodePen.

Simple CSS3 Fading by Giles Papworth

Here is an incredibly oversimplified solution. The routine lies in showing blocks of texts one by one, accompanied by a time-honored fading effect. However, it does everything it should. And, most importantly, it does it without “eating” your precious resources because it uses only CSS3. It is simple, elegant, modest and lightweight.

The Mood Setter

The following examples show that a splash screen can also be used to set the tone for a website from the get-go.

Console loading animation by Andrew Tunnecliffe

For example, if you are a coder then console loading animation by Andrew Tunnecliffe will establish a proper atmosphere. It is old-school, it is brutally simple and it goes perfectly well with any personal portfolio for a developer.

Falling Numbers by Thibault Jan Beyer

If you have a statistics-based or data-driven project in mind, then Falling Numbers by Thibault Jan Beyer is a good start for your storytelling experience. The animation opens with falling numbers that eventually hit the ground and open the main screen. It has a geometric charm enriched with some digital spice.

Last, But Not Least

For many people, Stan Lee will always be “Bruce Lee’s nerdy brother”. For us, he is an icon who was standing behind a universe where good triumphs over evil, and who will be in our hearts forever.

Marvel Splash Screen by Matt Feinstein

Marvel Splash Screen by Matt Feinstein is not a tribute exactly, but all the superhero fans will enjoy it. The title speaks for itself. His splash animation has a marvelous comic book vibe. It is a replica of an opening sequence for Marvel movies that looks incredible.

How to Make a Splash

Splash screens can be used as an alternative to loaders – unless of course, they are heavy. Unfortunately, there are still people who take them too seriously and try to transform them into an action-packed part of a play.

Splash screens in web design are effective as long as they are quick, short, lightweight and straight to-the-point. Of course, they give you the whole screen for showing your genius. Still, you should stick to its original mission. They are splashes that should stir up interest and immediately pass the baton to a more exciting solution.

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