There’s a reason why so many of us look forward to summer. It provides an opportunity to get outdoors and away from our desks. Then there’s the chance to spend more time with friends and family. As they say, adventure is out there.
Even better is that you don’t need that traditional vacation to get out. Summer can be a blast just hanging out in your backyard or a local park.
In that spirit, we bring you a collection of code snippets that bring a little bit of summer to your screen. May it remind you of warm, lazy days – with your phone turned off, of course.
Just Ducky CSS
Watching the kids play in the pool is always fun (until their behavior makes you put down your umbrella drink, that is). This pure CSS rubber ducky swimming amongst the waves is a great reminder of gentle fun.
See the Pen Rubber Ducky goes for a Swim by Heather Taylor
A Drink in a Div
Speaking of tasty beverages, check out this tasty citrus number. What makes this one so special is the fact that it uses a single div
element. All of that in one container – plus a slowly-floating ice cube. Sweet!
See the Pen a single div challange by Brahim Baif
Summer Fair
One of the most magical experiences of summer is attending a fair. Whether it’s big or small, there’s just something special about being there – especially at night. This slick animated scene shows a Ferris wheel spinning at sunset with balloons floating about. And, clicking on the screen adds more balloons.
See the Pen farewell – pure JavaScript by Toshiya Marukubo
Hot Weather, Hot Sounds
If you grew up back in the day, you know the importance of having a boombox. Not as efficient as a smartphone, but efficiency wasn’t the point. You wanted to blast those tunes so that everybody knew that you had arrived. This faithful recreation offers JavaScript animation and will even play music (tune your speakers accordingly – it’s loud). Even the color scheme screams retro.
See the Pen Music by Ricardo Oliva Alonso
Road Trip
A spontaneous road trip – they can be so much fun. Pile family and friends into the car and see the nature fly by your window. That’s exactly what this beautiful scene mimics. It utilizes GSAP animation to take you through a mountain road as day turns into night.
See the Pen Roadtrip Sunset by Alex Trost
Go Ahead, Jump In
What could be more inviting that a swimming pool on a hot day? This oasis features animated SVGs, complete with rippling water. Take a closer look and the simulated depth in the image is just incredible.
See the Pen Pool Ripple by Sarah Drasner
An Enchanting Forest
Seeing nature in its own habitat is one of summer’s true pleasures. Here, we have a lovely forest on a sunny day. As if that weren’t enough, there’s a steady stream of butterflies fluttering away. Want to know a cool secret? The sun and ladybug are emoji.
See the Pen CSS Butterflies by Scott Weaver
And If You Visit That Forest at Night…
Sure, daytime nature is fun. But the real summer fun starts when the sun goes down. That’s when the fireflies bring us a free lightshow. The beauty of this HTML5 canvas animation is in both its smooth flow and the fact that it doesn’t overwhelm with special effects.
See the Pen Fireflies by Michal
The Endless Summer Exists – Through Code
Whether you’re chilling out by the pool or stuck in your office, we hope that this collection of summer code snippets brought a smile to your face. Not only that, hopefully, they also pique your interest in learning more about the technologies included. The likes of CSS and JavaScript can bring you back to warmth all year round. And, oh yeah, they’re useful for other things as well.
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