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Web Accessibility

Discover how to make web projects accessible to everyone. Guides on improving usability and inclusivity across digital experiences.

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25 Essential Chrome Extensions for Web Designers & Developers

25 Essential Chrome Extensions for Web Designers & Developers

Explore top Chrome extensions for web designers and developers to boost creativity, efficiency, and project management in your work.

Web Accessibility for the Visually Impaired

Web Accessibility for the Visually Impaired

Visual impairment is also more common than you might think. Common enough that they have to be considered when undertaking a web design.

What You Need To Know About Accessible Web Content

What You Need To Know About Accessible Web Content

Discover how to make web content accessible to everyone, enhancing user experience and inclusivity.

A Beginner’s Guide to Web Accessibility

A Beginner’s Guide to Web Accessibility

Designing for accessibility needs to be simple and considerate of all potential users. Here are some tips on how you can optimize for maximum accessibility.

How to Educate Your Clients About the Importance of Website Accessibility

How to Educate Your Clients About the Importance of Website Accessibility

Clients need to understand the importance of web accessibility. We’ve created this guide that will allow you to educate your clients.

Can the Visually Impaired Access Your Site?

Can the Visually Impaired Access Your Site?

It’s important to take all potential website visitors into consideration. This includes the visually impaired.

The CSS Practices That Can Hurt Accessibility

The CSS Practices That Can Hurt Accessibility

We take a look at a few CSS practices that can hurt accessibility, including common features that will require careful consideration.

A Look at the Proper Usage of the alt Attribute

A Look at the Proper Usage of the alt Attribute

By now, most of the web design industry knows the importance of accessibility. We talk about it incessantly and implore our clients to take it seriously. There is no denying…

How Could AI Change Web Design Tools?

How Could AI Change Web Design Tools?

Imagine how AI could change web design tools in the future. How might it look? Here are a few (thoroughly-unscientific) guesses.

Ten Steps to Intuitive Forms in Web Design

Ten Steps to Intuitive Forms in Web Design

HTML Forms that are easy to complete create increased time spent on your webpage and ultimately drive more customers to your product or service.

10 Methods for Optimizing Your Forms for Mobile

10 Methods for Optimizing Your Forms for Mobile