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Search results for 'photoshop'

Discovering Resilient Web Design with Jeremy Keith

Discovering Resilient Web Design with Jeremy Keith

If you’re interested in where the web is headed, you have to look to its past. With Jeremy Keith’s new book, Resilient Web Design, the veteran designer digs into the…

Tips for Designers Who Don’t Code

Tips for Designers Who Don’t Code

I hail from a design background and moved into front-end development some years ago. With responsive web design, the requirement of the designer is shifting. Here are a few tips…

The Beginner’s Guide to Making Your Own Fonts

The Beginner’s Guide to Making Your Own Fonts

We’ve all been in that position where we know what we want our text to look like, but just can’t seem to find a font that matches what’s in our…

50 Inspirational Examples of Bright Colors in Web Design

50 Inspirational Examples of Bright Colors in Web Design

The web design examples below not only show no fear of using bright and powerful colors, but they are also all beautifully designed. They demonstrate that color, within the skilled…

30 Tools That No Designer Should Live Without

30 Tools That No Designer Should Live Without

Designers are extremely busy people. Fact. Not only do they have to make time to find inspiration for their next project, manage feedback, attend meetings, and communicate with their clients,…

The Cutting-Edge CSS3 Features That Are Essential to Modern Web Design

The Cutting-Edge CSS3 Features That Are Essential to Modern Web Design

Over the last couple of years, CSS has evolved into more than web designers and developers could have ever expected. CSS3 introduced features such as border-radius, box-shadow, text-shadow, text-overflow, multiple-background,…

9 Useful Services to Get Your Web Designs Coded

9 Useful Services to Get Your Web Designs Coded

While there is no shortage of web design conversion services that are capable of doing good work at competitive prices, an attempt to zero in on the very best of…

The Seven Best Strategies For Using Photos in Web Interfaces

The Seven Best Strategies For Using Photos in Web Interfaces

A memorable photograph on a website can single-handedly shape a brand’s entire identity, As sight-based creatures, we process visual data much better than any other input method (a lot better,…

Is Drupal Good for Design?

Is Drupal Good for Design?

Drupal has a reputation for being strong in functionality and having a strong community, but weak when it comes to design. In deciding which cms to use, it is important…

A Quick Look into Black & White Typography

A Quick Look into Black & White Typography

Black-and-white typography was the first featured in printed books. It’s been around since ancient times, and everybody has seen some example of it first hand at some point. Why, especially…

A Web Design History Lesson: 20 Years in Web Design

A Web Design History Lesson: 20 Years in Web Design

It seems almost crazy. I began my journey as a web designer in 1996, working for my local newspaper. If my math is right, then I’m just about to enter…

Adobe Fireworks Wireframing Resources & Tutorials

Adobe Fireworks Wireframing Resources & Tutorials