Infographics are one of those elements that have become equally popular in both print and web design. Regardless of the medium, these graphics help readers better understand a concept or process. At their best, infographics take something complicated and turn them into a highly visual yet simplified experience.
The web offers its own unique advantages for infographics: Interactivity and responsiveness. Instead of a plain old graphic, these storytelling elements can become even more user-friendly. Animation can be used to demonstrate an idea. And, infographics built with web technologies can also greatly improve accessibility.
We’ve put together a collection of snippets that aim to do more with infographics. Some may not necessarily feature a traditional composition. But they still seek to make information easier to understand.
Big Steps
Outlining a multistep process is something quite common on the web. However, it takes some work to make things easy to understand. What’s great about this snippet is that the numbered steps are both bold and highly detailed. They also degrade nicely on smaller viewports.
See the Pen Responsive infographic/ CSS variables, grid layout (no Edge support) by Ana Tudor
The Wheel of Information
Sometimes, it takes creative solutions to get your point across. This circular chart rotates, outlining various ways to combat climate change. The format is both fun to watch and easy to follow. It also demonstrates how we can go that extra mile to make information more compelling for users.
See the Pen Responsive Animated Infographic. by Sarah Drasner
Interactive Pie
Simple, intuitive and easy on the eyes, this pie chart makes great use of interactivity. Click on the company logo and its container opens to up reveal more information. It’s colorful and integrates some slick animation.
See the Pen Infographic Pie (SVG based) by Shalabh Vyas
Say It with Stats
Television news and sports programs love to dazzle us with animated statistical presentations. Here we have a series of animated charts that is reminiscent of what we often see on TV. This snippet utilizes movement and bold styling to grab attention.
See the Pen CodePen Stats InfoGraphic by Tiffany Rayside
Dynamic 3D Chart
Interactivity is on full display here, as you can adjust both the numbers and colors used on this stunning 3D chart. Pop in a hexadecimal color of your choice for each entry and use a slider to play with percentages. As a bonus, you can also reposition it on the screen!
See the Pen Dynamic Infographic by Archer
Card Game
This is a really unique way to build an infographic and make it interactive. It’s a series of CSS content cards that are displayed in an overlapping and staggered format. Hover over a card, and an animation reveals more info. You could conceivably make each card clickable, leading users to related content.
See the Pen Infographic smooth cards view by Sergiu Mocian
Clickable Details
Here we have an interactive infographic where clicking on an icon loads relevant content within the green sidebar. This type of implementation would be great for a full-screen presentation, allowing users to learn more in an immersive format.
See the Pen Bosma – Interactive SVG Infographic by Ntara
Know Your Coffee
At the most basic level, an infographic should be attractive and easy to understand. This CSS-only example accomplishes both quite nicely. The illustrated coffee cups not only look tasty, but they are also representative of their ingredients. That, along with the flavor scale and ingredient key, all come together beautifully.
See the Pen Types of Coffee | Pure CSS by Julie Park
Doing More with Data
Static text or images aren’t always enough to help users better understand your message. Just as they have for decades in the print universe, infographics offer a more user-friendly means of communicating data on the web.
When combined with the latest CSS and JavaScript techniques, we can create infographics that go beyond just a fancy layout for statistics. Instead, they can become an interactive and immersive experience that both entertains and educates.