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12 Inspiring Examples of Mixing Solid & Hollow Fonts in Web Design

12 Inspiring Examples of Mixing Solid & Hollow Fonts in Web Design

It is a common practice to mix and match typefaces in order to find the perfect pair for a website. As a rule, designers choose one font for the header…

How to Deal with the Isolation of Freelance Life

How to Deal with the Isolation of Freelance Life

For all the benefits of working from home, there’s also a real sense of isolation. The following are tips for beating those stuck-in-your-home-office blues.

Analyzing the Hamburger Menu in Web Design

Analyzing the Hamburger Menu in Web Design

Analyzing the effectiveness of hamburger menus in web design and their impact on user navigation.

The Cheapskate’s Guide to WordPress Plugins

The Cheapskate’s Guide to WordPress Plugins

One of the most amazing features of WordPress is its priceless price tag. In other words: It’s free. That provides virtually anyone with an opportunity to learn the CMS and…

The Quest for a Seamless WordPress Experience

The Quest for a Seamless WordPress Experience

I work with WordPress on a daily basis. Whether it’s design, theme development, customization or performing maintenance – the open-source CMS makes up the vast majority of my workload. Over…

Weekly News for Designers № 575

Weekly News for Designers № 575

This week’s Designer News – № 575 – includes Google Design’s Best of 2020, Whack-a-Mole: The CSS Edition, Figma Crash Course, Creating a Vertical Rhythm with CSS Grid, 65 Things I Wish I Knew When I Started to Code, Edite Photo Editor App and a whole lot more!

Controlling WordPress Through the Command Line with WP-CLI

Controlling WordPress Through the Command Line with WP-CLI

For anyone looking for more control and the ability to carry out complex WordPress tasks, learning how to use WP-CLI could be just what you need.

10 Super-Useful Bootstrap 4 Code Snippets

10 Super-Useful Bootstrap 4 Code Snippets

These CSS snippets highlight some of the coolest examples of what Bootstrap 4 can do. If you want explore the updated framework, you’ll love this.

10 YouTube Channels For Learning Basic Frontend Development

10 YouTube Channels For Learning Basic Frontend Development

All channels are free and cover a wide variety of web languages, some even going beyond frontend development topics so you can become a well-rounded coder.

Without User Consent: An Ethical Dilemma for WordPress Plugin Developers

Without User Consent: An Ethical Dilemma for WordPress Plugin Developers

I recently discovered that a popular WordPress plugin had enabled automatic updates without explicitly informing users. How did I find out? I received emails from each site where the plugin…

A Touch of Neon in Web Design: Using Color to Draw a User’s Attention

A Touch of Neon in Web Design: Using Color to Draw a User’s Attention

Color is one of the most powerful tools in website design, especially when it comes to manipulating reading flow. As a rule, the standard reading path starts from the top…

The Use of Cursor Effects in Web Design

The Use of Cursor Effects in Web Design