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Broaden your horizons by reading articles from our authors – web and graphic designers just like you – who share their thoughts, opinions, and knowledge covering all areas of design.

Great Names in Graphic Design: Anton Stankowski

Great Names in Graphic Design: Anton Stankowski

Anton Stankowski (1906 – 1998) is universally acclaimed as one of the greatest and most influential names in late-modernist art. Alexander Eckstein explains why. Anton Stankowski was an eminent late…

Designers & Developers, Why Can We Not Just Get Along?

Designers & Developers, Why Can We Not Just Get Along?

Here’s a question that has been talked about many times, usually resulting in both sides coming away feeling angry and misunderstood. Why can’t developers and designers get along? Now, obviously…

7 Winning Facebook Page Strategies Every Company Should Know

7 Winning Facebook Page Strategies Every Company Should Know

By now you’re probably well aware of social media’s power to grow your business. Odds are you went ahead and tossed up a few social media profiles. Twitter, Google+, and…

How Many Colors Are There?

How Many Colors Are There?

Colour. It’s something that we all use in our web or print work and finding the right colour to highlight, emphasise and stand out from the crowd can be easier…

The Foolish Road of Steve Jobs and how it can work for you

The Foolish Road of Steve Jobs and how it can work for you

I found out this morning, as did many of us, that Steve Jobs had died. It saddened me and to be honest I wasn’t really sure why. Although I love…

40 Amazing Papercraft Templates for the Geek Inside You

40 Amazing Papercraft Templates for the Geek Inside You

When considering papercraft, your first thought will most likely be of all that boring stuff you made in school, like paper flowers, printable seasonal cards or even scrap-booking. It doesn’t…

What is the Preferred Operating Systems of Designers?

What is the Preferred Operating Systems of Designers?