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Freelance Design

Our authors, freelance designers like you, share their extensive knowledge and experiences. You’ll learn how to get consistent work, manage your time, business and clients, and, most importantly, how to get paid better, and on time.

How to Improve Your Communication With Clients

How to Improve Your Communication With Clients

Improve your communication and get down to the nitty-gritty with clients, so that you won’t waste time assuming that they need to know things they don’t.

How to Deal With Sudden Client Designer Syndrome

How to Deal With Sudden Client Designer Syndrome

We’ve all experienced when a client wants to make a change to your design that, as a designer, you can immediately tell will result in disaster.

Testing Your Marketing Efforts as a Freelancer Designer

Testing Your Marketing Efforts as a Freelancer Designer

Learn how to test and measure your marketing strategies as a freelance designer to attract more clients.

What Happened to the Great Plans For Your Design Career?

What Happened to the Great Plans For Your Design Career?

So your great plans of achieving your design career goals are have been flushed down the drain. What happened? Is there a practical reason?

How a Culinary Technique Could Make You a Better Freelancer

How a Culinary Technique Could Make You a Better Freelancer

Incorporating the mise en place idea into your creative process allows you to prepare yourself to power through your work with less stress and fewer headaches.

How to Deal with Your Freelance Design Mistakes

How to Deal with Your Freelance Design Mistakes

Learning to deal with mistakes is part of the secret to long-term success for web designers. And, as someone who has made more than their fair share of mess-ups, I can attest to what works and what doesn’t.

How to Handle Scope Creep in Web Design

How to Handle Scope Creep in Web Design

Have you ever worked on a project only to discover your responsibilities growing beyond requirements? You have experienced scope creep.

How to Find Flow in Your Creative Process

How to Find Flow in Your Creative Process

As there are no sure-fire ways to make your brain productive or creative, we share tips for encouraging your mind to enter a state of flow.

The Bad Freelance Habits You Should Avoid

The Bad Freelance Habits You Should Avoid

Bad freelance habits have the potential to wreak havoc. Let’s have a look at what can go wrong and how to fix it.

How to Grow Your Web Design Business

How to Grow Your Web Design Business

By following these simple methods, and seizing the right opportunity, you may be able to jumpstart growth and expand your web design business.

The Tasks Freelance Web Designers Should Consider Outsourcing

The Tasks Freelance Web Designers Should Consider Outsourcing

As every freelancer has different strengths and time can often be limited, there are some tasks you may want to pass along to someone else.

The Many Ways Web Designers Give Away Their Time (Without Realizing It)

The Many Ways Web Designers Give Away Their Time (Without Realizing It)