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My Essential Design Resources

My Essential Design Resources

Great tools make a huge difference in how quickly you can complete a task. I’d like to share a few tools and essential design resources I use when designing web…

A Discussion on the Flat Design Aesthetic

A Discussion on the Flat Design Aesthetic

In this article we talk about what flat design is, review what other designers are saying about it, and offer some tips on how to achieve it.

Design Patterns for Creating Exceptional User Interfaces on the Web

Design Patterns for Creating Exceptional User Interfaces on the Web

Website interfaces are often very similar yet slightly distinct from website layouts. When you design an interface on the web you are often expecting some type of user interaction. This…

Communication Tips for Techies

Communication Tips for Techies

Techies aren’t known for their outstanding communication skills – we are much better at design, code, machines in general than in communication with other humans. However, no matter if we…

10 Productivity Tips for Freelancers

10 Productivity Tips for Freelancers

As a freelancer, it matters not how much time you have spent in front of your computer but what you have completed on the project. What matters is productivity rather…

10 Resources for Getting Started with HTML5 Forms

10 Resources for Getting Started with HTML5 Forms

This article explores some of the new HTML5 form features and how it has significantly improved text inputs, search boxes, and other form fields by providing better and cleaner controls…

Dynamic Open Source JavaScript Libraries for Web Projects

Dynamic Open Source JavaScript Libraries for Web Projects

The open source movement has created a sea of new code libraries to work with. You can’t search through Google without finding a heap of new open source projects based…

5 Things that Can Derail Your Freelance Career

5 Things that Can Derail Your Freelance Career

When you started your freelance career, you probably thought that the beginning was the most difficult. While a beginning is usually hard, what’s after isn’t necessarily any easier. There are…

Responsive Image Techniques & Resources

Responsive Image Techniques & Resources

Responsive web design has become a large topic of study over just a couple of years. Web developers are looking to keep up with trends and support the most common…

How to Build a Downloads Gallery WordPress Plugin

How to Build a Downloads Gallery WordPress Plugin

Plugins extend WordPress’ functionality and let you do almost anything with your existing site. In this tutorial, we create a downloads gallery WordPress plugin, keeping it plain and simple and…

Ghost – Bringing blogging back to WordPress

Ghost – Bringing blogging back to WordPress

It is a well known fact that WordPress is the most popular CMS today, and it powers websites from different niche and genres. In fact, even though it once began…

Are Newsletters On Their Way Out?

Are Newsletters On Their Way Out?