Category Archives


Broaden your horizons by reading articles from our authors – web and graphic designers just like you – who share their thoughts, opinions, and knowledge covering all areas of design.

How a Designer Might Create Timeless Designs

How a Designer Might Create Timeless Designs

Learn how designers can create timeless designs that remain relevant and appealing over the years.

Is There a Perfect Solution to a Design Problem?

Is There a Perfect Solution to a Design Problem?

Explore whether there’s a perfect solution to design problems and the quest for ideal design outcomes.

How to Handle Losing Your Motivation as a Designer

How to Handle Losing Your Motivation as a Designer

We share a technique you can use when you’re feeling burnt out and can’t bear to take one more step to complete that big creative project.

The Symbiotic Relationship Between Designers and Copywriters

The Symbiotic Relationship Between Designers and Copywriters

We explore some of the things designers can learn from copywriters to improve problem-solving strategies and communicate better.

What Should New & Inexperienced Designers Be Learning?

What Should New & Inexperienced Designers Be Learning?

Today I’m speaking to those just getting started in design. Maybe you just graduated from design school, or you’ve read through all the fundamental lessons offered here and on other…

Does A Designer’s Opinion Mean More Than The User’s?

Does A Designer’s Opinion Mean More Than The User’s?

Understanding the gap between designers’ opinions and user needs, and bridging it for better outcomes.

The Idea Generation Process of Scribbling on a Napkin

The Idea Generation Process of Scribbling on a Napkin

We explore the idea generation process familiar to many designers: the scribbled idea on a restaurant napkin process. It’s high-level stuff!

Doing Away With Bad Design Ideas & Moving on to the Good Ones

Doing Away With Bad Design Ideas & Moving on to the Good Ones

There’s a common saying in the fiction-writing world: kill your darlings. No, this isn’t some morbid encouragement to do bodily harm to your loved ones. Killing your darlings means that…

Avoiding Design by Committee

Avoiding Design by Committee

Most people have an idea of the perfect solution to their design problem. The downside is that so does everyone else with the same problem.

The Role Design Plays in Your Client’s Sales Funnel

The Role Design Plays in Your Client’s Sales Funnel

We talk about what you’re really supposed to be doing as a designer, and about the role your designs play in your client’s sales funnel.

The Make People Buy Things Secret For Designers

The Make People Buy Things Secret For Designers