Gone are the days when admin dashboard design was neglected and given less importance than the frontend of an application. In the past, they would function well, but their design was often outdated, resembling something from the late 1990s, with the only missing element being animated clipart.
However, times have changed. The admin dashboards we see nowadays are beautiful, as this collection demonstrates. The rise in popularity of mobile apps and the Bootstrap framework has contributed to the stunning dashboard UI designs we’ve seen in recent years.
These designs are no longer just functional but visually appealing, intuitive, and user-friendly. The clean and modern design of admin dashboards has become an essential aspect of any web application, and their aesthetics have become just as important as their functionality.
This collection showcases some of the most beautiful and well-designed admin dashboards that demonstrate how far the design process has come. So, whether you’re a web developer or a designer, take a look at these inspiring examples and see how you can create a user-friendly and visually stunning admin dashboard that will take your web application to the next level.
Fintech App Dashboard UI
Created by Vladimir Gruev
NobleUI Admin Template
Contact Center Dashboard
Created by Vladimir Gruev
Cabtaxi Dashboard UI
Created by Julia Domareska
Nexa Admin Template
Dorm Home Screen Dashboard UI
Created by Pavel
Slim Clean & Modern Admin Dashboard
Cargo Web App Concept
Created by Olga Staromłyńska
Dashboard Card Grid
Created by Jon Moore
Rocker Dashboard Template
Skillalley Dashboard UI
Created by Tran Mau Tri Tam
Zendenta Dental Clinic Management System
Created by Fikri Studio
Neptune Admin Dashboard Template
Commission Overview Dashboard UI
Created by Victor Onazi
Dashboard Events
Created by Spline One
Task Schedule Dashboard
Created by Bhavna Kashyap
Quoting Software Dashboard Screen
Created by Adam Ciesla
Work Management Dashboard UI Kit
Created by Vibeesh Kv
Retax RM System
Created by Yehor Tsuprov