10 Stunning Examples of Ultra-Minimalism in Web Design for Inspiration


Web design trends come and go, but one that has stood the test of time is minimalism. This design style has evolved over the years, giving birth to a more extreme variant known as ‘ultra-minimalism.’

To the untrained eye, creating an ultra-minimalist site may seem like it involves stripping away all non-essential elements and replacing them with whitespace. However, creating an effective ultra-minimalist design requires a skilled eye for choosing the right elements to keep and discard and a deep understanding of negative space, typography, and color theory.

Every pixel must be carefully arranged to produce an optimal visual experience. The result is a beautiful and highly effective design that communicates its message with striking simplicity. They can be highly impactful and engaging, drawing the user’s attention to the most critical elements of the design.

To see for yourself what an ultra-minimalist website looks like, we’ve compiled an inspiring collection that demonstrates the beauty and effectiveness of this design style.

Cole Townsend

Cole Townsend ultra minimal web design

Sang Han

Sang Han ultra minimal web design

Acerola Agency

Acerola Agency ultra-minimal minimal creative template web design inspiration

Tim Brack

Tim Brack ultra minimal web design

Dennis Adelmann

Dennis Adelmann ultra minimal web design

Brian Nathan Hartwell

Brian Nathan Hartwell ultra minimal web design

Velvet Hammer

Velvet Hammer ultra minimal web design

Kerem Suer

Kerem Suer ultra minimal web design

We ain’t plastic

We ain’t plastic ultra minimal web design

Michiel de Graaf

Michiel de Graaf ultra minimal web design

Alessandro Scarpellini

Alessandro Scarpellini ultra minimal web design

Piet Oudolf

Piet Oudolf ultra minimal web design

More Web Design Inspiration

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